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Important update of the NANDO database

We would like to inform you about recent changes related to the NANDO database. The novelty concerns the inclusion in the Single Market Compliance Space portal, which brings benefits and improvements for all parties involved.

What's new?

The NANDO (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations) database, which has an important role in the field of technical harmonization and conformity assessment within the European Union, has now taken another step towards greater efficiency. The change is the incorporation of NANDO into the newly created SMCS (Single Market Compliance Space) portal.

The SMCS portal now combines the electronic databases of NANDO, ICSMS and Noise and thus serves as a central place for information and information flows between notifying authorities, appointing authorities, accreditation authorities, notified bodies , market surveillance authorities, mutual recognition authorities, commissions and in the future also between economic entities such as manufacturers and importers.

What are the benefits?

  1. Centralized access - By connecting the NANDO database with the SMCS portal, we get centralized access to all relevant information.
  2. Improved Communication - The SMCS portal enables more effective communication between various stakeholders, which will lead to faster and more effective solutions to questions or problems.
  3. Transparency and availability of data - Thanks to this inclusion, relevant data will be more accessible and transparent, which will contribute to greater trust between market actors.


Databáze NANDO – změna v souvislosti se začleněním do portálu Single Market Compliance Space (SMCS) – ÚNMZ (

EUROPA – Evropská komise – Růst – Regulační politika - SMCS

EUROPA – Evropská komise – Růst – Regulační politika - SMCS


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